Teotihuacan, Mexico. A brief visit into this historical and mysterious place.

This article, contains many high resolution photos which are property of GlobalResearchers.Org . If you wish to use these photos permission is required from this websites administrators. To contact the admin send an email requesting permission to the following email address: info@globalresearchers.org Teotihuacan is located near Mexico City. It is an ancient city built by the Teotihuacanos, at least this is what we are told when we visit. Teotihuacanos predated the Toltecs,Mayans, Aztecs. This is about all that is known besides their average height was 6’6″. The reality is that…

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Shuttle’s Thermal Protection System

The Shuttle’s Thermal Protection System (TPS) By Dennis R. Jenkins Originally found at: https://history.nasa.gov/sts1/pages/tps.html   During the original studies of lifting-reentry vehicles during the late 1950s and 1960s, there had been a great debate over the relative merits of active cooling systems versus passive systems for the vehicle structure. The active systems were attractive—on paper—but nobody could quite figure out how to make them work. Therefore, the choices were largely narrowed to either a hot-structure, like that used on the X-15, or a more conventional structure protected by some sort of…

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